Most poterists are well acquainted with a sense of loss of motivation when the desire to sit at tables or work on a game disappears. This problem is faced by everyone without excluding the strongest professionals, and the lack of motivation can be called one of the most serious psychological defects that hold back the player’s progress.
A key feature of this problem is close connection with the current needs and interests of a particular person. That’s why with apathy is so difficult to fight because it is individual. The finished recipe does not exist, each of us must find it on my own.
In this article, we will look at the five most effective methods that will help regain motivation and achieve the goals set.
The best way to take up for something- stop talking and start doing-Volt Disney.
What is motivation?
Motivation – It is a system of internal and external processes that control human behavior. Does this mean that not only thoughts but also the environment is affected by us? Of course! Everyone knows how difficult it is to make yourself playing sports at home, while in the fitness center everything is happening in itself.
From the above it follows that there are no minor details in the work on increasing motivation: Each of them directly affects our consciousness.
Start from there where you are now. Use what you have and do everything you can – Arthur Ash.
How to return motivation?
Optimize the daily routine
Oddly enough, the regime has a huge impact not only on physical but also on human mental health. Players in poker are often tuned under peak hours in online covers or tournament schedule, forgetting about a strong sleep and elementary rest. Chronic fatigue causes depression that, in turn, destroys any desire.
Out of this situation can be a tough routine of the day in which sleep is given at least 8 hours.
Believe that success comes to those who get up early. No: Success comes to those who get up in a good mood – Marseille Achar.
Organize the work space
It is proved that the human brain is able to hold in the field of attention no more than 3-5 things at the same time. If your desktop is a harmider then you can forget about the concentration and, accordingly, the best solutions in the poker. Get the habit of removing all the unnecessary from the table, leaving only what is used at this moment.
Cleaning the workspace can be attributed to switching off notifications from social networks and messengers as they are also a powerful distracting factor. During the poker session, you need to think only of poker and nothing else.
To make the process nice, it needs to be properly organized, – Blake Snyder.
Place priorities
Ability to set priorities correctly is a very important skill of any professional that allows you to reject the minor stages and focus on the main. Often the cause of depression become incorrect or inflated expectations as it is extremely difficult to justify them.
Should not set your purpose for earning a separate session, the number of plus days or months. Focus on the right decision -making process and success will not be delayed.
I – Not the result of circumstances. I – The result of your own decisions, – Stephen Kovi.
Forget about past results
The cards have no memory, so the result of the past session will not have the slightest effect on what is happening at the poker tables of this moment. The only thing that matters is the experience of playing certain situations.
Each new session should start with a clean sheet so throw away all the negative moments from your head and enjoy the game.
One day in king consists of 90% luck and 10% skill. One year in king consists of 10% luck and 90% skill, – Chris Ferguson.
Reward yourself
Poker, like any other work, requires rewards to reinforce motivation. As a gift should not be considered money or expensive purchases – the best option would be small but regular bonuses.
For example, the ideal reward could be the purchase of essentials, hike in the cafe or traveling in nature with friends. Such rewards leave behind a good memories and positive emotions, which is a serious motivation engine.
It’s never too late to set a new goal or pave the way to a new dream, – Clyv Lewis.
Maintaining motivation at the right level is a complex process that requires daily work in several directions. Not worth fighting with yourself. On the contrary, you need to listen to your own needs and choose effective methods of maintaining motivation that will fit your temperament.
If you truly love poker then no obstacle will stand in front of your pressure!